Driving Time & Distance on Flores Island

Driving on Flores Island

Flores Island is in the province of East Nusa Tenggara and covers an area of 15.531 km. The distance and driving time on Flores Island can vary depending on the destination you want to reach and the condition of the winding roads on the island

For example, to travel from Labuan Bajo to Ende, where the road passes through mountainous areas, the distance is around 390 km and can be reached in around 10-11 hours by car or bus. However, this travel time can also vary depending on many factors such as road conditions, traffic and weather.

For longer trips such as from Labuan Bajo to Maumere, the distance is around 515 km and can take around 10-12 hours by car or bus. Also keep in mind that in some areas on Flores Island, road access is still not very good so travel can be slower. Below is the distance and travel time from one city to another on Flores Island.

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Driving Time & Distance on Flores Island




Maumere – Moni

70 Km

3 – 3,5 hours

Moni – Ende

52 Km

2 hours

Moni – Bajawa

174 Km

6 Hours

Moni – Riung

229 Km

6 hours

Riung – Bajawa

74 Km

3 hours

Bajawa – Ruteng

136 Km

4 Hours

Ruteng – Labuan Bajo

130 Km

4 Hours

Ruteng – Dintor

120 Km

4 Hours

Dintor – Labuan Bajo

 103 Km

4 Hours

Apart from driving yourself, there is also public transportation such as buses and travel that connects various cities on Flores Island. However, keep in mind that this mode of transportation may not run on time according to the predetermined schedule.

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